- About Us -

Rumuz yayınları aims, first of all, at saving its readers from disinformation they are exposed to. The first and foremost mission assumed is to make quality publications in various fields; such as history, literature, gastronomy and NLP. RUMUZ is also an inheritor of a giant legacy. Utilizing the written resources left from the Ottoman times RUMUZ prepares new works of history and actualities shedding light upon our times. Another mission for RUMUZ is to make publications in various foreign languages to help the Turkish cultural and historical values get known by international public. In this term, besides many titles published in English and Arabic RUMUZ is planning to broaden the limits of its readers with a list of coming titles in German, Russian, Spanish and Korean. Rapidly enlarging its portfolio, RUMUZ is determined to publish quality works with well-known names, keep in contact with its readers and make them happy while enhancing their socio-cultural levels.

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